News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Chinese consulate in San Francisco harboring “active duty” Chinese military researcher wanted by FBI
It is being reported that an active duty Chinese military researcher who is under investigation by the FBI for alleged visa fraud has entered the Chinese consulate in San Francisco for protection. Because it is considered an extension of China’s main embassy, this consulate is now a safe harbor for this individual, who is believed […]
By Ethan Huff
Communist Chinese infiltrators pretending to do “scientific research” in 25 American cities, FBI warns
Things are heating up in the escalating conflict between the United States and communist China, with new evidence emerging to suggest that communist Chinese infiltrators posing as “scientific researchers” are now present in at least 25 American cities. A report from The Wall Street Journal reveals that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is currently investigating what […]
By Ethan Huff
Implantable microchips could soon be “voluntarily” injected into state government employees
The Michigan House has passed a bill to protect the privacy rights of its state government workers, who will soon be given the “option” have implantable microchips injected into their bodies. Sponsored by Rep. Bronna Kahle, the bill aims to address an inevitable future where people are receiving RFID “marks” inside their skin that, if […]
By Ethan Huff
Michigan passes bill to “voluntarily” microchip humans with RFID transponders
Are you ready for the Mark of the Beast? If you live in Michigan, then your House of Representatives has already voted in favor of allowing employers to microchip their workers, fulfilling the dystopian nightmare outlined in the book of Revelation. While the Microchip Protection Act reportedly contains voluntary provisions for chipping people, it is […]
By Ethan Huff
The Bill Gates global nightmare is coming true with COVI-PASS Immunity Passports
Consent is voluntary, but enforcement will be compulsory. Expect to see this phrase, or some close derivative of it, used to justify the stripping of your individual liberty in the name of safety and security against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), which is showing no signs of relenting until everyone can be vaccinated and chipped into […]
By Ethan Huff
American firm unveils coronavirus “health pass” to prevent “unhealthy” people from accessing airports, workplaces
Just as many have warned, the tech industry is busy developing new apps for tracking people and determining their health status in the age of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). And at least one biometrics firm has already created one known as “ClearPass.” Developed by a company called Clear, this new “health pass” will utilize people’s […]
By Ethan Huff
Talkspace ends partnership with Facebook, says platform isn’t censoring enough
An online therapy company known as Talkspace has decided to pull out of a partnership with Facebook due to the fact that the Mark Zuckerberg platform allows President Trump to have an uncensored presence there. After Trump tweeted the other day that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts,” referring to the waves of violent […]
By Ethan Huff
Alabama, North Dakota, and South Carolina first three states to embrace Apple’s “contact tracing” mass surveillance technology
Apple and Google have both announced that the latest software updates for their respective smartphone platforms will have built-in “contact tracing” capabilities. And three states have thus far publicly committed to using them: Alabama, North Dakota, and South Carolina. Supposedly designed to “slow the spread of coronavirus,” this contact tracing technology utilizes Bluetooth technology to […]
By Ethan Huff
Big Tech using face mask selfies to train next generation of AI facial recognition
Some have speculated that the push towards face mask-wearing might have the unintended consequence of screwing up the deep state’s plans to implement widespread facial recognition surveillance programs. But do not be fooled: Face masks represent merely the next phase in advanced facial recognition technology. Believe it or not, artificial intelligence (AI) is right now […]
By Ethan Huff
Apple’s latest iOS 13.5 update contains contact tracing malware to enslave you
Some 23 countries, including the United States, have agreed to accept Apple’s latest iOS smartphone update, known as 13.5, which contains built-in contact tracing technology for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But is it really a good idea to install it? The reason we ask is because so-called contact tracing is not designed to keep you […]
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