dangerous tech
By Michael Alexander
Hackers could shut down satellites – or turn them into weapons
There are currently around 2,000 satellites orbiting the earth, each one beaming down signals which allow us to enjoy our favorite television shows, movies and even connect to the internet. Elon Musk’s Space Exploration Technologies Corp. or SpaceX, which launched 242 satellites as of the end of January, plans to deploy about 42,000 more over […]
By Lance D Johnson
New Mexico takes on parasitic Google for collecting and using sensitive behavioral data gathered from SCHOOLCHILDREN
The State of New Mexico is taking a stand against Google. New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas is filing a lawsuit against parasitic Google, alleging that the data-mining juggernaut is collecting sensitive data from schoolchildren and using it against them. What Google is doing is a gross violation of the children’s Online Privacy Protection Act […]
By Tracey Watson
How to stop Google Chrome from mining your personal information
We spend hours each day locked into technology. Many of us spend more time with our smartphones than any actual live human beings, and in some respects, we might almost view our devices as our best friends. But would you continue to trust a friend that betrayed you over and over again? Would you blindly […]
By Isabelle Z.
Factory workers can use this smartphone app to program robots… but so could hackers
A new smartphone app that will allow users to program any robot to perform a particular task is getting a lot of attention, but not all of it is positive. While the program may lower the cost of building and programming robots for businesses, there could be some serious drawbacks. Researchers from Purdue University have […]
By Lance D Johnson
It’s time to disconnect: Researchers warn about personal data collection by smart products
Data has become more valuable than oil, and technology companies are constantly coming up with new ways to extract personal information out of your home. The reason smart TVs are so cheap on black Friday is because the data they will eventually collect on every consumer is far more valuable than the cheap sticker price […]
By Lance D Johnson
This uncanny AI can guess what you look like by analyzing voice recordings
Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) are working on an AI project that can accurately map what people look like just by analyzing voice recordings from the internet. The researchers published their first paper on the project: “Speech2Face: Learning the Face behind a Voice.” The researchers trained the AI neural networks using millions of YouTube […]
By JD Heyes
Privacy no more: Google, which censors conservative voices, now mining tens of millions of health records without your permission
Like the other tech giants, Google has a very bad attitude towards conservative voices and, as studies have shown, uses its massive market domination as a search engine and media company to silence anyone with whom its Left-wing managers disagree. Now, the tech behemoth will have additional ‘leverage’ over conservatives and other Americans with whom […]
By Ethan Huff
Mystery drone sightings in Colorado, Nebraska have many experts baffled
Local residents in northeast Colorado and southwest Nebraska are scratching their heads in confusion about a series of ongoing mystery drone sightings that nobody seems able to explain. Multiple counties in that particular corner of Colorado, as well as at least one abutting county in Nebraska, continue to receive calls from folks concerned about these […]
By Lance D Johnson
We see you! US Army working on “Google Earth on steroids” 3D map that can simulate the inside of buildings
If you thought Google Earth was rather revealing, then you’re about to feel naked in your own home. The U.S. military wants to take 3-D maps a step further and penetrate walls. The U.S. military is currently developing a “Google Earth on steroids” that can see inside buildings and simulate functional indoor spaces. This virtual […]
By Lance D Johnson
Your smartphone can now HEAR an ear infection… makes you wonder what else it hears
One of the newest, most intimate capabilities of the Smartphone is detecting an ear infection. Parents may have a hard time understanding when their child has an ear infection. When an ear infection occurs, fluid builds up behind the eardrum in the middle ear. According to preliminary comparative studies, vaccinated children are over three times […]
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